Friday, July 2, 2021

Summertime - relax and read!

Summer is finally here for us in Indiana and while the temperatures are climbing, I’ve been spending more time hanging out with the air conditioning on my couch.  Lots of books on my To Be Read pile, and I have been enjoying a few new pieces. If you are not already, you should join us in our Facebook group Bookchat from the Middle for discussing what we are currently reading. It’s always great to hear from other teachers on what they are enjoying or suggesting for their students.

As we all relax a bit during the break, it’s hard to not think about what the fall will hold for us. Normal class numbers? Still social distancing? Hybrid learning? No matter what happens when we return, one thing will always remain the same. BOOKS! :) Focus on what we love to share with the kids and the rest will work itself out.

So no matter where you decide to spend your time off, please enjoy the stories you fall into. And if you find one that you love, head online to share it with us.


Hope you’re enjoying a good book!

-Blue Binder Lessons