Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What am I getting myself into?

After 25 years of teaching, I sometimes wonder if I have anything to share with new educators.  Can my time in the classroom help anyone else?  I have definitely learned a lot and continue to grow every year.  What better way to share what I know... a new blog!

But who will read it?  And what exactly will I write about?  When will I find the time?  As for the last question, my husband always says we find the time for things that are a priority to us.  So, this needs to become a priority.

I have also been spending more time with Teachers Pay Teachers so if I find or design any resources I think will help people, I will share those here.

Right now this blog looks pretty plain, but hopefully it will begin to take on more of my personality.  Learning new things can be challenging, but my family has recently taken on this new motto: "Be brave enough to suck at something new."

So...I'm ready to be brave!

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